MEDICAL IP Announces US FDA 510(k) Clearance for AI Software DeepCatch

Monday, June 26, 2023

MEDICAL IP announced that the CT-based automatic body composition analysis AI software, DeepCatch, has received US FDA 510(k) Clearance.

DeepCatch is an innovative Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) that focuses on automatically segmenting and analysing anatomical structures in computed tomography (CT) scans. It provides detailed results in the form of a report that includes 3D visualisations and quantitative information.

DeepCatch's ability to provide accurate body composition analysis results to individuals regardless of race, gender, or age is indeed a valuable attribute. By offering reliable and consistent analysis across diverse populations, the software can contribute to reducing potential biases in medical diagnoses and treatments. The fast, accurate, and efficient CT-based body composition analysis technology offered by DeepCatch holds great potential for the development of the medical industry.

DeepCatch is the only FDA cleared AI software that automatically has the ability to analyse various body components such as skin, bone, muscle, visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, internal organs, and the central nervous system across the entire body in CT scans.

Conditions such as geriatric diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases like diabetes and sarcopenia in the elderly, and cancer often involve significant changes in body composition. DeepCatch is a valuable tool that can provide additional clinical information for a variety of diseases related to body composition.